First, I have to say I am a massive fan of Android devices. I'm a softy for the Linux movement, and Android is a great branch off of Linux. Fast and Stable! I think about it as an assistive device for print disabilities, however, and the picture changes to an underdeveloped void in the Google Play store.
I am a professional in Assistive Technology for a private university. Believe me when I say, everyone here has or prefers a Mac or iPad. I am also Dyslexic, and dream of a phone that seamlessly reads ANY chunk of text to me after a simple command, and not through the cumbersome process of copying, pasting, sharing, and reading... This kind of "read anything" access is usually extended to visually impaired users, who need full screens narrated. Basically, the system as it is proves to be too difficult for a quality assistive device for print disabled users.
What is truly needed is a high quality TTS reader for print disabilities. This sort of reader needs a few things to qualify to be a reader: Words should be highlighted while read, Definitions and Pronunciation features, a library function for students, and high quality voices utilizing INOVA or Acapela TTS systems (or equivalent), and Web Browser reading.
iPad has had apps like this for years. Yes, years. I will NEVER switch to iOS, so I'm trying to work to get some development in the areas that are needed to make this a helpful device to all users.
So far, the best I have seen on the Market are "Go Read" by Bookshare, "FB Reader" and "Voice Reading" are a far, far second.