Sunday, February 24, 2013

Takin' a Digital Sabbath - National Day of Unplugging

Today, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about taking a sabbath... A Digital Sabbath.

I know, "Sabbath" can be a loaded term, but it does not have to be religious in practice.  During a Digital Sabbath set down all digital devices for a day (or more if you can); you go 24 hours without texting, checking e-mail, Facebook and Twitter, television, video games, and basically anything else that involves a screen.  Not. One. Thing.  The sole purpose is to slow down and rest.

It would be difficult to find someone who has a mobile phone who does not feel attached to, or fully distracted, by it.  These modern conveniences can bring us a great deal of stress.  An e-mail notification interrupting your "flow" during a time of focus can be very distracting and stressful.  Many people struggle to keep the pervasiveness of the impulse to check the phone at bay.  I am certainly one of these people!  I can see my phone's light blinking at me as I write, and I (not so) secretly want to check it.  Disconnecting can be a profound experience for people living in the modern world.

The digital sabbath is an increasingly popular practice.  I have never taken one myself, but it is a popular topic when talking about Internet Addiction in our culture.

In writing this article, I found the National Day of Unplugging.  A day I will be observing!  On March 1-2, 2013, people around the world will be putting down distracting and stress-causing technologies, gather together, and be with each other instead of being so disconnected.  I will be turning everything off Friday at sunset, and it won't be on until Saturday at sunset.  I honestly can't wait!

The parent of this project (Sabbath Manifesto) has a few good ideas for how to spend your sabbath, Avoiding technology and commerce, getting outside, and find silence.  What a wonderful way to slow down. I think I will be doing some meditation and reading during my day.

I ask you to consider joining me next Friday.  When the sun sets, so does your phone's screen (you know what I mean, just turn it off).  Everyone could use a little time to rest.

UPADATE:  Also please let me know if you plan to take the Pledge at National Day of Unplugging!

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